This is a profile image of Ankur Kumar

Ankur Kumar

Associate PartnerNew York

Works closely with executives and organizations seeking to achieve greater diversity, equity, and inclusion across the US workforce and beyond

Ankur helps lead McKinsey’s diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) work, supporting organizations across sectors as they take steps to address this business imperative.

Ankur helped launch and continues to lead McKinsey’s Connected Leaders Academy (CLA), one of the firm’s commitments to achieving greater racial equity and access. CLA provides distinctive leadership programs for Black, Hispanic and Latino, and Asian leaders. Since launching in the fall of 2020, CLA has engaged more than 67,000 leaders from over 1,000 cross-sector organizations. Ankur also collaborates with global executives to address DEI, talent, and HR priorities, helping their organizations reshape talent pipelines to be more equitable and diverse, often by creating a more inclusive environment.

Ankur is a frequent speaker on DEI topics, including sharing insights from McKinsey’s annual Women in the Workplace study. This joint research alliance with LeanIn.Org is the largest study of the state of women in corporate America. Each report offers a look at women’s experiences overall and through an intersectional lens and offers specific recommendations for closing gaps and advancing and retaining women employees. Ankur is one of the authors of the 2020 report.

Before joining McKinsey, Ankur was the director of MBA admissions at The Wharton School. During her time as admissions director, Wharton was the first top-ranked school to achieve and sustain more than 40 percent representation of women in the MBA program. Ankur started her career in investment banking and has also worked in strategy consulting and global talent development.

She is also featured in the 2016 book, The Internet of Women: Accelerating Culture Change.


Women in the Workplace 2020,” McKinsey & Company, October 2020


The Wharton School
Director, MBA admissions and financial aid


Morgan Stanley
Analyst, technology M&A


The Wharton School
MBA, strategic, organizational, and HR management
BSc, finance
BA, economics